How are results reported?

How are grades reported on results?

Syllabus grades for all examination types are reported on the Statements of Results as an upper case letter followed by the corresponding lower case letter in brackets, e.g. B(b). This format is used as a security feature to prevent grades being altered by hand.

What does NO RESULT mean?

'NO RESULT' or 'X' means one of the following:
• We were notified that the candidate was absent or withdrawn from one or more components of the exam and is therefore not eligible for the award of a grade.
• We were not notified that the candidate was absent or withdrawn and there is no record of their mark in one or more components of the exam and is therefore not eligible for the award of a grade.
• We disqualified the candidate. Where this is the case we will have sent a separate communication to the school explaining the reasons for the disqualification.

What does PENDING mean?

For each qualification 'PENDING' indicates that a result cannot be issued at present but will follow in due course.

What does UNGRADED mean?

'UNGRADED' indicates that the student has failed to reach the standard required for a pass.
'UNGRADED' will be reported on the Statement of Results but not on the final certificate.

What does TO BE ISSUED mean?

All Cambridge students should contact the examination Officer at their school exam center for information on results. CIE is unable to inform students of their results directly. For some Cambridge IGCSE syllabuses 'TO BE ISSUED' indicates that the result will be awarded in the November series.

How are Group award results reported?

The Cambridge AICE Diploma group award result will be reported on International A Level Statements of Results for students who satisfy the AICE Diploma award rules. The AICE Diploma group award is reported on a three point scale of grades: Distinction, Merit and Pass.The Cambridge ICE group award result will be reported on IGCSE Statements of Results for students who satisfy the ICE award rules. The ICE group award is reported on a three point scale of grades: Distinction, Merit and Pass.

For more information on results please refer to section 6 of the Cambridge Handbook. This document is available to download from our website here under the heading Key documents for exams officers.

Which grades are available at AS/A Level?

Cambridge International A Levels are graded from A* - E. Candidates who do not obtain enough marks for an E grade at A Level may be awarded a compensatory AS Level. Cambridge International AS Levels are graded from a to e. Candidates who do not obtain enough marks for grade e at AS Level will be ungraded.

When will schools receive hard copy Statements of Results?

Schools outside the UK will be sent hard copy Statements of Results in late August for the June series and late January for the November series. UK schools no longer receive hard copy Statements of Results, but can download electronic copies from the CIE Direct homepage when results are released online. Six weeks after results release, Statements of Results will be removed from the CIE Direct homepage. To access them you will need to log in to CIE Direct, visit the ‘Administer Exams’ section and click on the ‘File Transfers’ tab.

I have received X on Result/No Result / Pending, what does this mean?

For each qualification these indicate that a result cannot be issued because of absence for the whole or part of the examination in the syllabus or because of a decision not to issue a result for some other reason.

What is special consideration and how do I apply?

What is special consideration and how do I apply?

Special consideration is a post-examination adjustment made to a candidate’s mark, to make allowances for any adverse circumstances, for example illness, bereavement or temporary injury. Detailed information on special consideration can be found in section 5 of the Cambridge

Handbook, which can be found on our   website.

How do I apply for Special Consideration?

You can apply for special consideration online through CIE Direct. Simply log on,clickon Administer Exams and Special Considerations Online. You can submit applications for:
• present but disadvantaged candidates
• absent candidates - the candidate must have completed 50 per cent of the total assessment
• shortfall in coursework
• lost or damaged coursework
• coursework extensions - these requests can only be submitted by Email.

You can also apply for Special Consideration on Exam Day – Form 7, which is available to download from the Support Materials section of CIE Direct Login
Please follow the instructions in the Guidance Notes.
You can apply for coursework-related special consideration applications using Teacher Assessment – Form 2 for a shortfall and Teacher Assessment – Form 3 for lost coursework (also only available on CIE Direct)..
Please submit applications within seven days of the last examination in the syllabus affected.

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